- since 1984 working with the Ministry of Defense - Military Aeronautics as Assistant to Graphics and Cartography
- early service at Photographic Core of the 4th Brigade Telecommunication and Systems for Air Defense and Assistance to the Flight of Borgo Piave (Latina)
- graduated from the Liceo Scientifico Statale Ettore Majorana of Latina in 1984
- I attended the first two years at the Università la Sapienza (Rome) - Course of Literature with Geographic and Historical address, interrupted for health reasons due to an accident
- graduated with state certification as "Video Terminator Operator"
- graduated with state certification as "Cobol-SQL Programmer"
- qualified as GraphicSenior Assistant and Cartographer
- italian mother language
- discursive knowledge of ENGLISH language
- excellent knowledge of SPANISH language
- no-depth knowledge of the FRENCH language
- professional knowledge of all graphics and image-processing software and video-editing (Photoshop, Ligthroom, Illustrator, Indesign, Xpress, Premiere, Pinnacle ...)
- professional knowledge of HTML language, design, management and maintenance of numerous websites
- malacologist and collector of shells
- knowledge of darkroom development processes
- professional workflow knowledge in lightroom processes
- plury annual experience in teaching photography, computer science, geography and natural sciences
- 1994 - is co-curator of the 1st National Malacological Exhibition "Jems in the Blue" in Latina
- 1999 - founded, together with other members, the Natural Sciences of the Tirrenyan Natural Sciences (UPTSN), affiliated CNUPI (National Confederation of Italian Popular Universities)
- 1999 - assumes the position of Vice-President of UPTSN
- 2000 - assumes the position of Educational Director of UPTSN
- 2001- is co-curator of the Permanent Malacological Exhibition at the Pontina Terrain Museum in Latina
- 2001- teaches elementary marine biology and malacology at various lower secondary schools in Latina
- 2001 - supervisor, for the UPTSN, of the "Blue School" project at secondary schools in Latina in collaboration with prof. Eugenio Fresi, technical and scientific collaborator of Legambiente
- 2002 - coordinator of the UPTSN research field on malacofauna of the Albanian coasts in collaboration with the Chairman of the Underwater Activities, Thomas Berberi
- 2003 - spokesman on the theme of the eruption of the pontino coast, in "FestAmbiente" organized by Legambiente Latina on the theme "the sea, a resource for eco-friendly development"
- 2003 - curator of the 2nd International Malacologic Exhibition "Jems in the Blue" in Latina sponsored by Lazio Region, Latina Province and Municipality of Latina (12,550 visitors a month)
- 2003 - coordination of the UPTSN Academic Year 2003-2004 at the Liceo Classico Dante Alighieri of Latina
- 2004 - coordination and participation in the scientific research campus of about a month on the Greek island of Zante
- 2004 - responsable and teacher in the "Jems in School" educational project that involving a large part of lower and upper secondary schools in the province of Latina
- 2005 - curator of the 3rd International Malacological Exhibition "Jems in the Blue" in Latina sponsored by Lazio Region, Latina Province and Municipality of Latina (9,400 visitors in 20 days)
- 2005 - organizer and rapporteur in the presentation of the book "The Phoenician of Baikal", by the great documentarist and photographer Folco Quilici
- 2006 - curator of the 4th International Malacologic Exhibition "Jems in the Blue" in Latina sponsored by Lazio Region, Latina Province and Municipality of Latina (8,000 visitors in 15 days)
- 2008 - organizer and rapporteur in the presentation of the book "My Seas", by the great documentarist and photographer Folco Quilici
- 2008 - organizes and realizes graphically and photograpically the website of the Province of Latina in the project "Systema Naturae" consisting in the creation of a database on wildlife information and environments of the pontinian area, published on site. More than 700 photographs from my personal archive
- 2009 - curator of the 5th International Malacologic Exhibition "Jems in the Blue" in Latina sponsored by Lazio Region, Latina Province and Municipality of Latina
- 2009 - organizer and jury president of the International Nature Photography Contest "Nature's instants - from the thousand to infinity". The competition is sponsored by FIAF
- 2010 - realizes the graphic and photographic implementation of the website of the Province of Latina in the project "Systema Naturae"
- 2011 - continues the graphic and photographic implementation of the website of the Province of Latina in the project "Systema Naturae"
- 2012 - continues the graphic and photographic implementation of the website of the Province of Latina in the project "Systema Naturae"
- 2013 - collaboration with Latina Association "FACTORY 10" begins with the realization of various nature photography workshops
- 2013 - latest graphic and photographic implementation of the website of the Province of Latina in the project "Systema Naturae". In the final phase more than 1100 photographs of my private archive have been collected in about 500 tabs on entomology, wildlife, fauna, macrofauna, environments and articles of the pontinian area
- 2013 - finalist and winner of the Ulisse Photo Tour of extemporaneous Photography Competition organized by the Welcome to Sabaudia Association
- 2013 - still holds for the "FACTORY 10" Association of Latina Naturalistic Photography Workshop
- 2014 - teacher in Natural Photography courses for the "FACTORY 10" Association of Latina
- 2015 - publishing of various photography articles and various portfolio at online and offline magazines
- 2015 - teacher in Natural Photography courses for the "FACTORY 10" Association of Latina
- 2016 - juror in the "Earth is Art" photography contest organized by the Rotaract of Terracina-Fondi
- 2016 - teacher during basic photography organized at 4th B.T.S. - D.A./A.V. - Military Aeronautical of Latina
- 2017 - curator, organizer and juror, in the 1st National Photo Contest "THE FORMS OF THE FLIGHT - mechanical and natural wings" of 4th Telecommunications and Systems Brigade - Air Defense and Flight Assistance (4th B.T.S. - D.A./A.V.) - Military Aeronautics
- 2017 - photographic exhibition and report on photography and art at the Museum of Pontinian Land of Latina